19 March DNNSummit 2021 Recap March 19, 2021By moorecreative DNN Events, SoFri Meetings community, conference, convention, DNN, DNN conference, DNN Jeopardy, DNN Release, DNN Summit, DNNConnect, DotNetNuke, Open Graph, SoFri, SouthernFriedDNN This month we had a recap meeting for DNN Summit 2021. With it being a 100% virtual event, we discussed the platform, topics and great DNN time had by everyone! DNN BUZZ - Meeting Links and topics this month: DNN 9.9 is Released! https://github.com/dnnsoftware/Dnn.Platform/releases DNN Dave joined with Aaron Lopez to discuss DNN + Open Graph to help get your social shared content looking it's best in DNN - Info about Open Graph in general https://neilpatel.com/blog/open-graph-meta-tags/ - DNN Dave's youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSalLWwNck6LCBnxUVgnyCg Over in the DNNCommunity.org website, Tycho de Waard posted an article with tips for any DNN instance, but especially older 7x and 8x sites for how to help review SEO Meta content across the board with SQL queries... he even creates a little dashboard tool to help! https://dnncommunity.org/blogs/Post/9332/How-to-detect-and-solve-SEO-issues Jeremy Farrance discussed briefly updates to the DNNCommunity.org Agencies section https://dnncommunity.org/community/agencies?category=united-states-of-america DNN Summit 2021 Recap! With a record number of online attendees for an online or virtual DNN community event, the recent virtual DNNSummit was a grand success. David Poindexter and I open discussions and review of the event by sharing how impressed we were with how interactive and connected we felt at the the online conference. Tools such as the "Speed Networking" and session and sponsor area conversations and interactions kept the event engaging for everyone involved. We discussed the Hopin platform and some of the pros and cons experienced while using the system (mostly all pros!). We discussed the DNN Association board and committee that helped bring the event together. We discussed some of the speakers and sessions that were excellent (all were excellent!). We shared personal stories from ourselves and from guests who attended the conference in how these events make a difference in helping each person get value from tips and probelm solving tricks to commaradarie of being together with others focused on DNN! -- Plenty discussed, go watch the video for more DNNSummit recap! https://www.dnnsummit.org/Sponsors https://www.dnnsummit.org/Attend/Schedule Recently Will Strohl posted notes from his sessions to the community blog area https://dnncommunity.org/blogs While everyone who attended summit was able to watch from home (and can watch on the video recordings) the excellent game played of DNN Jeopardy, you can now play from home even if you missed the conference! https://www.playfactile.com/sofridnnjeopardy2021 (of course, be sure to look back through our SoFri blog to watch previous games of DNNJeopardy that we've had here!) Watch the Southern Fried DNN User Group March 2021 Meeting: moorecreative moorecreative's Blog Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. blog comments powered by Disqus