Dec 2021 SoFri: Southern Fried DNN Holiday Party - DNN Jeopardy Come and join SoFri and celebrate the holiday season DNN style! Feel free to dress for the occasion (or not - it's a judgment-free zone)! In this Southern Fried DNN User Group meeting, they are celebrating the holiday season and discussing various DNN activities and achievements. They also mention the upcoming DNN Summit 2022, which will be a hybrid conference with both in-person and online sessions. Additionally, there are updates about new releases and templates for DNN development. December 16, 2021By moorecreative SoFri Meetings David Poindexter, DNN, DNN Jeopardy, DNN Night Before Christmas, DNNCMS, DotNetNuke, GameShow, Ryan Moore Loading Disqus... Read More »
DNNSummit 2021 Recap This month we had a recap meeting for DNN Summit 2021. With it being a 100% virtual event, we discussed the platform, topics and great DNN time had by everyone! March 19, 2021By moorecreative DNN Events, SoFri Meetings community, conference, convention, DNN, DNN conference, DNN Jeopardy, DNN Release, DNN Summit, DNNConnect, DotNetNuke, Open Graph, SoFri, SouthernFriedDNN Loading Disqus... Read More »