22 April Feb 22 SoFri - DNN Summit 2022 Recap + Community Project Highlights April 22, 2022By moorecreative DNN Events, SoFri Meetings DNN, DNN Community Projects, DNN Elements, DNN FAQ Module, DNN File Manager, DNN Structured Content, DNN Web Components, DNNCMS, DNNSummit, DNNSummit 2022, DotNetNuke, HopIn, Online Conference, User Conference In this Southern Fried DNN User Group Meeting: This month, we'll be recapping DNN Summit 2022 and then we'll take some time to highlight a few exciting community projects. Trust us, they are worth knowing about and getting involved with! DNNSummit 2022 Recap We kicked off by talking about recaps from DNNSummit experiences. The DNNSummit 2022 was held again within the Hopin online platform and it did a great job supporting the community activities within the sessions, the keynote and sponsor ativities. The sponsor booths were a great place to hang out and ask questions, get help with issues and to catch up with the people from some great DNN-focused companies. The sessions were from a great list of speakers... often some of the same names and friendly faces that you see here at SouthernFried meetings All of the sessions were recorded and are available to rewatch. So as an additional benefit of a paid ticket, you can come back all year long to watch the sessions that you missed and rewatch for details! DNN Community Projects Highlights David talked about how many might not know that they can help sponsor future projects and enhancements, especially with the github sponsor ability. DNN Elements - DNN Web Components https://github.com/DNNCommunity/dnn-elements Daniel Valadas talkeda bout the DNN-Elements community project - This is a collection of reusable HTML elements (WebComponents) for Dnn Within the DNN developers, there's been an idea to to try to remove as many external dependencies from DNN as possible. Or to manage them better! So with this approach, there's a drive to build Web Components that can be used instead as a library or collection of components which can be used in projectsa and may one day be used in DNN as a replacement that would lower those dependencies. This is a demo of the elements in action https://dnncommunity.github.io/dnn-elements/ DNN Structured Content This is a proof of concept for a structured content solution for DNN Platform. https://github.com/DNNCommunity/Dnn.StructuredContent Jay Mathis worked on a best-of-breed inspiration and research inspired version of a Structured Content module for DNN. Jay kicked off the project and started with a prototype based on the learnings and findings and the state here is a good concept with a solid back-end DNN File Manager There was some recap of the old current module that had been built as a temporary stop-gap use for being able to run when fully removing Telerik. This temporary file manager, though usable, leaves some things to be desired During DNNSummit 2022, Mitch Sellers made a plea to get a new file manager started as a project and Daniel Valadas accepted! David and Daniel presented soe of the concepts that are being put together in a concept mockup for features. Notice how the mockup shows elements of the DNN Elements web components! DNN FAQ Module - Let's get it updated! https://github.com/DNNCommunity/DNN.Faq During DNNSummit 2022, in a session talking about modules and upgrades and removing the Telerik controls from older modules, it was mentioned that the FAQ module was one that would need to be rebuilt. Ryan Moore said that he has a few clients using it and would pitch in to help support and sponsor getting the project done. He suggested that we get a push done for that with some one-time sponsor payments to Daniel Valadas to help make it happen! Daniel Valadas https://github.com/sponsors/valadas -- Watch the Southern Fried DNN User Group February 2022 Meeting: About the SouthernFried DNN User Group Even though our DNN user group is nestled in the Carolinas, we are really YOUR DNN User Group regardless of your Southern heritage or lack thereof. Everyone is invited to attend in person or to join us online! We always try to broadcast the meeting so everyone can participate. Register now for the online meeting details for those of you wanting to join online Southern Fried DNN > Blog Southern Fried DNN User Group - MeetUp moorecreative moorecreative's Blog Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. blog comments powered by Disqus