18 June June 2020 SoFri Meeting June 18, 2020By moorecreative SoFri Meetings Cloudflare, DNN, DNNCommunity.org, GitHub, Hotcakes, RazorCart, SmithCart, VirBella This evening we got together to talk about recent DNN community news, releases and activities within DNN Github. The VirBella system was reviewed as a possible fun way to have a larger group conference in a virtual space. Watch the video to catch up on this month's Southern Fried DNN User Group meeting topics. During the meeting, we reviewed and discussed the following sites and content: Last month's DNN Jeopardy video is posted: http://www.southernfrieddnn.com/Blog/TabId/208/PostId/106/may-sofri-hangout-dnn-jeopardy.aspx and you can play at home if you like: https://www.playfactile.com/sofridnnjeopardy DNN 9.6.1 is released and ready for you to upgrade your DNN site. The version is stable and easy to upgrade from DNN 7 through up to DNN 9x. We discussed that there may be a 9.6.2 soon or a brief delay to a 9.7 next... stay tuned https://github.com/dnnsoftware/Dnn.Platform/releases The DNN Community Blog site is your location for news and posts: https://dnncommunity.org/blogs The DNN open source, community-driven eCommerce module, Hotcakes had a 3.3 release recently: https://dnncommunity.org/blogs/Post/5689/Hotcakes-Commerce-03-03-00-Release-Marks-a-Major-Milestone Razor Cart (SmithCart/Smith Consulting) has released a new version of RazorCart which supports asp.net 4.7.2 so that allows you to get up to higher DNN version 9.4+ with it now: https://dnncommunity.org/forums/aft/1174?fbclid=IwAR3oaVD4ozLk-iRXJZascjozJIKLwxLkUSU0jnvLWgkdCEjZecmi2_h7j14 David Poindexter posted a blog (part 2 of series) about the new work within GitHub for issue triage and the new way to help get involved, review, etc more easily than ever before: https://dnncommunity.org/blogs/Post/5735/Strategy-DNN-Platform-Issue-Management-Part-2 https://github.com/dnnsoftware/Dnn.Platform/labels/Area%3A%20AE%20%3E%20PersonaBar%20Ext%20%3E%20SiteSettings.Web GitHub DNN Issue Triage - https://github.com/dnnsoftware/Dnn.Platform/projects/2 Ryan Moore talked about CloudFlare with DNN and the new features of the Web Application Firewal which has a rule specifically for DotNetNuke, and special rules that help protect your DNN sites. Used within the first tier of the CloudFlare paid plan, several others recommended it as a solid help with security and stabilitty for DNN sites. https://www.cloudflare.com/waf/ https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/200172016-Understanding-the-Cloudflare-Web-Application-Firewall-WAF- Finally, we spent time looking into the features of the VirBella virtual meeting and conference system. This could be a fun tool that could be used to host virtual conferences for our DNN community in the future. Watch our experience with it in the video recording, or download a copy and try it out. We may host a future SoFri inside of VirBella so that we can test as a group! https://www.virbela.com/opencampus moorecreative moorecreative's Blog Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. blog comments powered by Disqus