Changing Web Analytics...WHY and WHAT To Do! Web analytics is about to change. Understand why and what to do about it! Firefox blocking analytics by default. Apple preventing tracking with ‘unintended impact’ for analytics. European regulators making analytics an explicit opt-in feature. All these developments are going to significantly reduce the quantity and quality of data available to web professionals wishing to understand and optimize websites. In this session, James will explain the thought process behind the changes, before providing ideas on how to respond. One thing is for sure, digital marketing is going to need to be rethought. About Speaker James Rosewell founded 51Degrees in 2011. Now deployed on over 1,500,000 web sites it is embedded into SItecore V9 and above. With 25 years experience operating between business and technology James' can talk your language. He's spent time founding start-ups, and commenced his career working for global blue chips including Vodafone, Lloyds and Barclays September 19, 2019By Clint_Patterson SoFri Meetings James Roswell, Web Analytics Loading Disqus... Read More »